Friday, July 18, 2008

Not a thing to wear!

As you all know Friday is the big day - the day that I get to meet Ms. Sophie Brador!!!  I have no idea what to wear!  I could wear my Patriots (TM) jersey as shown above.  Or I could wear my Wirestock t-shirt shown below.
Unfortunately I think the shirt makes me look chunky...I blame my mom because I think she ordered the wrong size!
I could wear this festive dress...
But alas!  It is supposed to me 90 degrees maybe I will just wear a big welcoming smile!!!

Update:  My sissy Pesto is no worse but really not better either.

...only ONE more day...


i said...

You look lovely in the dress! A big welcoming smile is the best outfit to wear! Have a great time!

Lacy said...

w00f's Toffee, me thinks u smile iz all u need...heehee she looked fur u at her hotel coodnt member who's kitty pesto belong too..will do a post about her tomorrow...

b safe,

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think a big smile will look very pawsome on you Toffee. :)

~ Girl girl

Duke said...

We don't get the idea that Sophie is the fussy kind! We think just your smile is enough too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Stanislaw said...

I vote for a Red Sox Jersey. Do you have one of those? Then you can get it all muddy and dirty and you'll look like you've been playing with the team!

We'll be away this weekend, so we're wishing you a fabulous celebration ahead of time. We hope to see lots of photos of you in your formal attire!

the many Bs said...

this is a big day. we can't wait to hear the whole story about your visit with Sophie. we don't think you need to dress up. you are perfect just as you are.


Deefor said...

That dress is great but a smile is cooler. Enjoy your big day and hope you get lots of goodies.


Deetz said...

I like the jersey. You look cool in it. Your package was sent yesterday and you should receive it Wednesday. How exciting to be able to meet Sophie. I can't wait to hear all about it

Eric said...

Toffee, you look lovely in all the outfits,but your smile is the best!!
How is Pesto today? Is very sad for you all,kittie sibbies are cool even though some doggies can't understand it - we knows better don't we? Cuddle up with together - that will help her feel better.

I'm sad you never got the p mail cos I sent your Mom a special card-I did the addy you sent me silly aw to me sometime then I can send again but not now cos YOU HAVE AN INCREDIBLY BIG DAY tomorrow!!! No MORE days to go!!!!

Me's praying the sun shines on you all tomorrow and the day is truly pawfect. Sending hugs n kisses to you and Mom...enjoy your very special day. Eric x x x x x x

this is me ....

River said...

A smile is much prettier and much cooler. Have fun with Sophie! Hope all goes beautifully this weekend.

love & wags,

Lorenza said...

Hi, Toffee!
You look beautiful with your festive dress!
But, I agree with you... a big smile is all you need!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

omdog, Sophie. *faints*

Please sign my guest book. Woof.